
All-in-One Marketing Platform

TapClicks provides a marketing operations and analytics platform. It has a suite of cloud-based solutions designed to help mainly advertising agencies, and marketers.

My RoleHead of Product Design

I was hired as a Sr. Product Designer, but in the first months became head of product design, leading the design team.

DashboardsAll your data in one place

Dashboards provides the ability to our users to pull into a single page all data they wish.

Improvement Opportunity

The board decided to move to a new technology, so we had to opportunity to improve a few things we had the feedback from previous conversations.


Method: 1 - 5 Rate Scale
Participants: Broader user base

1. Satisfaction with the dashboard types

2. Customization Importance

3. Visual design

4. Easy of use

5. Learning Curve

User Interview

Method: Remote Interview
Participants: Mix of beginner, intermediate, and advanced users.

Open Interview Script
BegginerLess than 6 months Intermediate6 months to 2 years Advanced More than 2 years
Goals Easily track campaigns and performance without technical knowledge. To monitor multiple campaigns and generate reports for clients and team. In-depth analysis, creates complex dashboards that pulls data from various sources.
Automation and advanced features are important.
Challanges Overwhelming interface, hard to know where to start.
Combining data from different sources is confusing and not straightforward.
Combining data sources, requires manual intervention and troubleshooting.
The customization options are not enough to tailor the dashboards.
Combining data from multiple. Sync not accurate, data discrepancies.
Not enough advanced customization.
Customization Difficult to customize, limited options, hard to use. Need more options, and control over how data is presented. Too basic, requires advanced features like custom scripting.
Flows Confusing navigation. Sometimes, goes to browser history. Inconsistencies in navigation. Features are hard to find. Navigation are often broken sometimes hidden in the interface.
Visual Design Outdated and cluttered. Doesn't feel modern. Outdated. Wishes clean interface. Interface is dated and not appealing. A modern design would the tool more enjoyable.
Learning Curve Long time to learn how to use the product. Wishes for more training. Steep learning curve, however manageable. Onboarding new team members is challenging. Hard to use. Wishes for more resources and advanced tutorials.


Pain Points

Difficulty Combining Data: Users across all levels reported challenges in combining data from multiple sources, citing it as clunky and inconsistent.

Limited Customization: There is a strong desire for more advanced customization options to tailor dashboards to specific needs.

Outdated Visual Design: The current design is seen as outdated and cluttered, reducing overall user satisfaction.

Inconsistent User Flows: Users experience broken and inconsistent navigation, affecting their ability to efficiently use the product.

Steep Learning Curve: Both beginner and advanced users highlighted the steep learning curve, emphasizing the need for better onboarding and tutorials.

User Needs

Seamless Data Integration: Simplify the process of combining data from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and ease of use.

Advanced Customization: Provide more robust customization options, including advanced data visualization tools and flexible widget configurations.

Modern Visual Design: Update the visual design to be more modern, clean, and intuitive.

Intuitive User Flows: Ensure consistent and intuitive navigation throughout the product to enhance user experience.

Improved Onboarding: Develop comprehensive onboarding materials and tutorials to help users at all proficiency levels.

Usability InquiryMethods: Fullstory App / Remote.

How users set up and interact with their dashboards.

Setting up Dashboards Data Integration Customization Navigation Performance Monitoring
Lack of templates Sync problems Requires more customization There are challenges navigating between sections Clear Data presentation is crucial
Lack of customization Need of automated data handling Request of widgets independent customization Occasional discoverability problems Data visualization needs deeper insights
Lack of guiding Data discrepancies Need a guide Need a clearer navigation Request simpler and intuitive insights
Inicial setup is challenging Manual data imports problematic Current customization overwhelming
Data visualizations needs to be flexible Request notifications
Requires design templates Request simplified import procedures

Affinity Mapping

User Personas

User Journeys

Main touch points showcasing the dashboards interactions


After the wireframes, I socialized them and facilitated a workshop with stakeholders to decide what we would be doing or not, so I could start the high-fidelity prototype.

PrototypeHave fun playing with the high-fidelity prototype

I suggest you to do it on fullscreen mode

OutcomesSome Metrics

SUSSystem Usability Scale

Task Success

Easy of Use

Time on Task

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TapClicksAll-in-one Marketing Platform